Sunday, January 24, 2010

Resting Metabolic Rate Calculator How Can A Resting 6' 150 Lb Man Burn Fewer Calories Than A 6' 260 Lb Man. The Thin Man Would Gain Wt.

How can a resting 6' 150 lb man burn fewer calories than a 6' 260 lb man. the thin man would gain wt. - resting metabolic rate calculator

Metabolic Rate Calculator used today suggests that a man heavier than the same level as burning more calories at rest than a thin man. It makes no sense. Of course, the human metabolism with a maximum speed is much higher, because thin for an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. The reason for the fat of others Mans is created on the basis of their slow metabolism by lack of exercise or the consumption of junk food. When the great man was burned more calories than the thin man (in standby mode or otherwise), not the thick. Are you calculate the metabolic rate due to new look?


sOuL dOcToR said...

Homeopathic treatment of excess fat and weight: --
BERRY'S Phytolacca tincture is perhaps the surest and safest way to lose excess fat around the abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry, if you lose the excessive fat and weight are not restored, because the body takes care of himself, that catch by and let the excess fat. It is after the birth of a child for losing your belly fat and make it flat and tightly prescribed. And after losing weight, what you do not lose that flabby skin requires and can also help your body to pay the excessive accumulation of fat around the perimeter
The dose is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of warm water for half an hour three times daily before or after meals.
Avoid chocolate, coffee, peppermint, red meat and soft drinks and alcoholic beverages while taking homeopathic medicines. You must give at least 30 to 45 days after you begin to feel the results.
To the best of my knowledge of the safest and surest way to lose fat and weight andlast forever. Excellent means for overweight people who can not lose weight despite the attempts.
Homeopathic remedies can be found in all businesses or vegetable can be purchased online, in most countries Homeopathic remedies are very inexpensive and easy to find and do not require a prescription.
Take care and God bless!

Xelint said...

The man of 260 pounds, as it is not an active lifestyle your metabolism is slower, but your body needs more energy, to say the same work up to 150 pounds ... namely, breathing, circulation. You do the same work in peace, but the body is 260 pounds, he is much more effective.

IM said...

The man has more body fat and thus more tissue that needs food and energy. There is more blood in there (even if the blood is probably unbalanced) Note sweats, easy to grease. Your metobolic rate is much slower, but it is necessary to consider what half the people more than the mass. Half the people think a lot of dough in this way that man has 150 kg and his son £ 80 to burn more calories than a 230 KG Mann? If you think this mass, it is logical.

Ding-Din... said...

Xelint is true that the body of the man of 260 pounds, work harder and burn more calories.

Because of their men have larger blood vessels and capillaries, so that the heart work harder to blood through the blood vessels have an additional pump to burn more calories. Because of the fat, work more weight in the lungs, diaphragm muscles harder to burn off the admission and expulsion of air from the lungs, thus more calories. The muscles must work harder to move the heavy body, if (changing positions do you have to have to make your heart) are working so hard. Do not forget to be moving to 110 pounds thinner than human and thus more calories burned.

For this reason, people die, with a greater likelihood of serious cardio-pulmonary diseases.

The thin man has not the weight, because calorie intake. Your body burns calories, but not so fast.

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