Monday, January 11, 2010

Vibration Mat Do Rubber Mats Greatly Reduce Treadmill Vibrations?

Do rubber mats greatly reduce treadmill vibrations? - vibration mat

Oh man, I have my treadmill today and I started my first race, a few minutes later, when my neighbor complained. OK, I admit that I'm so stupid *** Buy on a treadmill and an apartment upstairs, a Creeky. Is there a way to reduce the vibrations of the ground the band? Can also reduce the journey?


AnswerMe said...

Buy a carpet on the floor, followed by the two rubber mats. This can reduce the noise. He also put the tape in a corner, which is not in the middle and avoid cracking. Talk with neighbors about the program, so you can properly perform.

Pip06 said...

Tell your neighbors from ****.

Pip06 said...

Tell your neighbors from ****.

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